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Making Minisites With Joomla Cms

Author: Kathy Elliott

While almost everyone has heard of minisites by now if you know anything about internet marketing, very few people have considered using an open source and free CMS or content managment system, like Mambo or Joomla, which is based on Mambo code, to produce minisites.

What are the advantages of using a CMS like Joomla to rapidly make and deploy minisites on the internet?

1. Joomla is easy to use and you can use thousands of free CSS based templates that support the latest standards and have a site up in hours, not days.

2. Joomla support easy wysiwyg or what you see is what you get visual editors that allow you to set up and add content to a site as easily as using a word processor on your desktop computer. What this means is that your site supports the latest web 2.0 standards and can grow in content easily and quickly without redeveloping your website from scratch.

3. Joomla has thousands of extensions and you can easily produce websites that rival sites costing tens of thousands of dollars for nothing. You can easily add membership sites, photo galleries, streaming video, audio, chat, and forums as well as rich blogs. In short, everything to make your site "sticky" and keep bringing back those visitors over and over again.

4. Joomla makes changing the look of your site a snap, since you can change your template and quickly change the look and feel of your website in just minutes, allowing you to freshen up your site every once in a while.

5. Joomla is continuously updated and is now releasing a beta version called 1.5. Most people are still working on 1.03 or so, but it is nice to know that future upgrades are available.

6. Joomla is well supported by many Hosting services now, and is able to be installed by Fantastico scripts with just one click. There is a user manual and several video packages that show you how to make templates and set up membership sites for profit.

7. Joomla and most of it's extensions or add ons are free and open source so it is cheap to get a very professional web presence on the internet.

For all the advantages, it will take a few weeks to get used to the new methodology of using a CMS to manage and deploy your websites unless you are used to making websites from your browser. Once you get the hang of it however, you never want to go back to the slow laborious system of desktop website creation and uploading.

I recommend you go to one of the sites called and go through the tutorials right after installing Joomla and before you do any work on your own site. Basically, you start with a template that you get for free at the largest free site template repository called They have over 1,500 free templates you can start with. Alternatively, you can go with one of the many commercial template companies that offer a variety of paid templates that you can modify and make into your site.

Once you select the template, you must change the permissions on your template and media areas of your template section in Joomla under your public html directory so that you can make changes to the appropriate template and files.
You do this either within joomla or most often, from cpanel using your file manager functions and set the file permissions to 777 for the folders and 666 for files.

You must get a log in from your hosting company after installation so that you can go into the administrators section that you manage and build the site from and make changes and add content to the site.

After you log in, you go to the templates section in the site manager and click on new.

Then you are presented with a dialog that asks you to browse on your computer and pick the site template which must be in zip format and you upload the template on your site. After a few minutes, if it is successful, and it tells you so, and then you click on continue. Then your site template will be listed with the other default templates. You click the radio button to make the template you installed the default template.

Then, you click on the radio button to select the default template and then you click on html to edit the html for the template page. You will be checking for the image files on the page. They usually start with the word As you can see, you need to study html and I would especially study CSS or cascading style sheets and tables so that you know how to place things on the page. In any event you need to look for the header graphic and replace it with a graphic header of your logo or a header image for your site.
You must be sure the graphic is slightly smaller than the size given so that the header graphic or logo will show up without messing up the format of the template or page. You must upload using an ftp program like Transmit or Filezilla the image file that you want to use for your logo or header image. Once you find the joomla folder in the public html folder, you must click on it to find the templates folder. Inside that there is an images folder. You must upload your chosen image to that folder. It should be a .jpg or .gif file in the same format as that used in the template if possible. Once the image shows up in the file, your next job is to change the html in the html file and replace it with the name of the image you uploaded. Then when you pull up your www.sitename/joomla your front page should show your graphic logo or header file.

Next, you need to unpublish those buttons on the front page that you don't need. You go to the main menu section and unpublish everything but the home button. You will need to go to joomla extensions page and go to menu section and find a menu extension that will allow you to use images or other files to set up your menus. Then you will have the appropriate file extension ready when it is time to link your menus which is the last step in setting up your website.

One thing you can do now is figure out what extensions or extras you will need on your website. You can just have a straight minisite but you will do better in the search engines and in the eyes of your visitors if you have a theme based content site and not just a sales page. If you add a chat client, a forum, and a blog to your site then you will find that your visitors become involved with the site and keep returning. The more they are on your site, the greater the chance they will buy what you have to offer, be it an affiliate offer, an ebook, or a membership.
Check each section of the extensions. Especially the graphics section where all the banner advertising extensions are. You can monetize the site with banners and/or text ads that will bring additional money onto the site. It is true that if you use adsense on your site, your site will show up in the search engines sooner. There are several adsense modules. You will need to add docman or Remository if you will be setting up files for download on your site. Community builder or AEC will serve you well if you are setting up a membership site. You will need One of the wsiwyg content editors in the content and news section so that you can edit your pages easily and quickly. You must set up your wysiwyg editor as your default editor for Joomla. Then when you go to add content, you can easily and quickly edit your pages. You should go to the Blog section and add X-Blogg for editing your blog offline and download one of the blog programs for easily setting up and running a blog from your site. You will need to add one of the payment processors and/or a shopping cart for your site if you will be selling products from your site. Once you have added all the extensions, be it a component, module, or mambot you are ready to go to the next step.

Next, you will start adding the sections you will need in your site. Then you will add categories to the sections until you have divided your site into an organized entity. Then you will edit the front page using the content editor and the wysiwyg editor you have made the default content editor. You will add images and add articles so that everything is done to your satisfaction. Use Polls, banners, and the Adsense or other text ads for your affiliate programs to the front page on a rotating Banner or rotating ad schedule. That way you can track where most of your sales are coming from . Keep adding articles and other sections to your site until it is finished. Don't forget to add sales pages for each of the products or affiliate opportunities you are promoting. Then you will add a Thank You page for any downloads you need to offer or ebooks or software. You will have to set up the extension and add any thumbnails or links you need to download products for.
Once that is all set up check all your images and your spelling for all your articles. Check your links and make sure that everything is in order. Make sure your shopping Cart is working properly by adding a sample products and ordering them. Make sure that any forms are working properly to add your visitors to your opt in list.
Add your newsletter buttons and set up your mailings. Set up your autoresponders for any orders or requests for you newsletters. I suggest you set up your newsletters in an archive section on your site so that people can download them from the site in case their email Spam filter eats your newsletter.
Once everything looks good publish your pages.

Congratulations, your site is now live. Write two articles in your area of expertise a day and you will have over 100 articles in a years time circulating all over the net earning you money. You just submit the articles to article directories and you will add a signature file mentioning your experience and your main web site. As I said, if you do this to hundreds of sites you will soon see a flood of traffic to your site and the money will follow! Joomla Greetings for the holidays!

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About the Author:

Kathy Elliott is a 25 year computer programmer and consultant who specializes in showing people how to make money with their computers from her sites that she made with Joomla at, and, and

How to be Good Web Designer Joomla

Author: ari syarifudin

Since release in 2005, Content Management System (CMS) Joomla has open new perseption and knowledge web designer. As we know, Content Management System (CMS) offering many easy-creating web site instanly. Content management was now possible creating website without any skill scripting and coding in PHP and HTML. With one touch button, in a minute, an excellent website will presence now.

Having skills in scripting and programming is must for web developer. How about for web designer? Is that any possibilities for web designer involved in Joomla development. My answer is Yes. You can be a web designer CMS Joomla as you need. You can draw your idea in template joomla development.

Not like to be a web master Joomla, being a web designer joomla is easy. But there are rule that you have to know for making joomla template. Joomla offer many opportunities for web designers for involving in an excellent platform for client work. There are many the prospect of independent income in the
Joomla template market. You can be a provider a joomla template with your friend. But you can be an independent or freelancer joomla template too.

To be a good web designer Joomla, you have to read rules below:

1. Having a low level of technical knowledge is required to use Joomla!

2. Having a knowledge a bit more in order to install it. Joomla

3. Dare to customising the structure, content and presentation of your Joomla!

4. Having skills about Web-ready images and HTML, Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) and/or Javascript code.

5. Having skill about how to modify the code and style sheets of existing templates.

6. Having knowledge about how to leverage the new web technology to give your Joomla site a responsive, cutting-edge interface.

7.Having fresh ideas to realize how to fit current extensions, module and mambot (plugin

8. Making a fantastic customizing CSS to give the site a excellent look-and-feel.

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Joomla Development

Author: Rakhi Chowdhary

We are living in a wireless communication world and the importance of online business is increasing day by day. Currently the internet is acting as a best medium to introduce oneself through websites and other social communities available online based on web 2.0 technology. Internet marketing is now one of the major multi-billion dollar industries. These days internet presence has become vital and a modern website is expected to do most businesses. Looking at the current market scenario the online search for proper information is gaining its importance. Online search refers to the ability to search for information or find businesses and organizations. The ability to accommodate for global online search has provided real opportunities for small business, to take the essential steps to maximize their online presence and website performance.

Website development has made easier for small business firms to establish their online presence but the marketing challenge has become greater, and currently many firms have started recognizing the significance of web marketing. Consequently, every organization whether big or small needs to observe their website performance to ensure that the opportunities available can be utilized effectively. As a result no one can disregard the value of maintaining effective website having proper information and relevant content.

Joomla is web based Content Management System (CMS) that facilitates website administrators to control their website by editing and deleting content. It is important to understand that content is the king of any website and act as a soul for the website. Now,

Joomla is free web-based content management system that permits you to shift content around on the page and omit the unwanted content as per your requirement. It allows you to renew your website content using a web browser without any need to be familiar with any of the technicalities behind the scenes. Moreover the best advantage of Joomla is you do not have to compensate for the software, as all of the "source code" is freely available.

>From a business standpoint developing a Joomla website can definitely give an edge to your website. Having a Joomla website facilitates you with freedom to make immediate changes to your website. Maintaining a website is not an easy job and sometime it can be really be very terrifying for a technical professional. Joomla makes this task very easy.

Today it is exceptionally popular and suitable because of its comparative user-friendliness and enormous flexibility. One of the prime benefits of Joomla is that it also offers versatility in how it can be used. Any website developed on Joomla cost less than 1% of the other commercial solutions. Certainly, a close look on present market scenario the demand for Joomla website development has increased tremendously. Today, thousands of web sites around the World have been developed on this technology for personal or SME business.

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About the Author:

Rakhi, is a SEO copywriter, SEO Executive at offshore open source development company that offers open source web design development solutions, Joomla Development, Joomla development solutions, Joomla website development, Joomla development India.

Google Gadgets

As everybody knows, Google is not only a famous search engine, but a huge IT company creating lots and lots of useful software.
What is "Google gadgets"? They are small abjects powered by Google containing dymanic modules that can be put on any Web page or on the Google Desctop. They are mainly useful for WEB designers, but not only for them. For example, if you need an organizer at your work or at study, you can place a gadget on your WEB page or on your Google Desctop installed. Here is the list of some useful Google Gadgets: to-do list, calendar, translation tool, calculator, Wikipedia, blogs, games, news, and more.

Moreover, you can create your own GoogleGadgets if you don't find the one you need or if you just want to sreate something. All the gadgets consist of HTML and JavaScript applications which are quite simple to build. There are built-in JS libraries in the Google Gadgets Editor as well as Flash content, dymanic resizing, presistent storage, and more.

You can add any gadgets you like to iGoogle or to your Google Desctop if you have it installed on your PC. The Google gadgets can be useful for you, and they can be just handy when you have free time and you get bored. And good news for WEB designers, Google Gadgets are viewed by millions of times per week and creating your own gadgets is a fine way of generating significant traffic for you.

By: kuzmasaf

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